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Flat rent

Flat rent
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Estate details

Viktor Nozadze 2 1310 Тбилиси
Price : 520$ 1 457.30GEL
Real Estate for Rent

Estate location

Estate description

Excellent apartment in an ecologically clean area. Convenient transport interchange. Near Tbilisi mall, Smart Market, Goodwill, pharmacy, shops. Three universities and a sports ground are within walking distance. The house is new, an apartment with excellent repair, a large dining area, a guest, two bedrooms each with its own balcony. Separated toilet and bathroom. Washing machine, refrigerator, gas stove, gas heater, batteries for cold winter days in Tbilisi. Come and live. For a large family and a company of students for the academic year - an ideal option. With a long lease is valid - a discount.
